måndag 28 maj 2012

Loreen – Euphoria – Eurovision Song Contest Winner 2012

  If you compare this song with Lena’s Satellite, from 2010, you’ll find some common parts. Mainly it’s sticking out from the rest. It’s its own universe. It can’t be said to be a part of the common, ordinary suspected ones. In both cases it also depends upon the artist. The artist creates the song as being her own. Being a part of her. Or better, as it worked all the way, becoming and being herself.

The Euphoria music and lyrics are, like in the case of Lena’s contribution 2010, a teamwork. Both parts are created by Thomas G:son and Peter Boström.

  1.The text is telling us in the same manner as in 2010 about something outreaching. Not about a very special person, but about the feeling, the joy, the happiness, and knowledge of personal strength and stability which is gained by the possession of, and being love itself.

  2. The music is a very creative, and as it feels, expanding narrowness. The form is extremely simple in the A-B reapeting, forming a total like A-B, A-B, A-B-B. As the A part gives a sort of inner conviction, the B part forms it into a fact. Having the last B part creating it to The Fact Conviction. It feels real good. It makes me happy.

 As I wrote about Lena, I will have to write about Loreen. Because the song is so slim and narrow in its construction, thou it opens up for an artistic arena which is reaching a bit outside the common and normal way of how this show is expected to be felt. Because it reaches out from the performance into the listener, making the last one to a part of the whole. That makes it to a total teamwork. Which makes Loreen and her artistic performance to a Real Winner. Thank You Loreen for a marvelous contribution. Filled with love, hope and life. Lets be a part of it: Euphoria

Lennart Arivall

fredag 11 maj 2012

Lena - Satellite – Eurovision Song Contest Winner 2010

  One might have different ideas about what a winner is, or how such a person will be. But then we’re following our own ideas and thoughts about it all. And that is exactly what I’ll do here in my analysis.

 Satellite, the German contribution for the Eurovision Song Contest, 2010. Sung by Lena Meyer-Landrut. Text by Julie Frost. Music by Julie Frost and John Gordon. One first question might be, is it because it is a female text writer and because she also have part in the making of the music the song become what it is? Well… it depends very much upon what life experience and attitude you’ve got as a person, but it cannot fully be placed aside. But mainly it's because she is a professional. I’m definitely sure John Gordon did his best, and so the result also shows.

 The song makes up a new arena. There are – as usual – in these occasions, two quite different ways of viewing – yes or no. I will personally take just one of them here.

The way I perform is the way of YES! Thank You!

  1. The text is very narrow. It takes up the very usual theme of love, but in a different way than usual. That is, it tells us about the feeling of being in love. It do not tell us about a special person. A special You. A special occasion. A special wishing. And definitely not about any kind of loss. This is The Song About The Love. What the feeling of being in love makes to, and creates for, and with a person. That is a reason, in my way of viewing, why it become a winner.

  1. The music is narrow. The amount of chords are just five. For a person whom do not know about musical theory, I just want to say that if you have to state a key, you’ll need at least two chords, or three as most usual. In this very song we’ve got two more. The song takes about three minutes. It means there are musical reasons to avoid monotony, in sound and timbre. In large the schedule or form of the song follow the usual A-B-A: introduction, middle part, ending. In the two A-parts the rhythm is one of the two most intrusive parts. Together with the simple melody it makes a close heartbeat for everyone whom have felt what the song tells about. That’s another reason, in my way of viewing, why it is a winner.

  1. Lena performs this song with such a living spirit that it alone could make her and the contribution to a winner. A true winner which it also is. Thank You, Lena for a Great Performance. Ich liebe Deine Empathie! It makes you definitely The Winner!

See her perform the song when it was all clear, in Oslo 2010, and feel her joy and empathy: Satellite

Lennart Arivall