söndag 3 november 2013

New Public Management
How to get fucked up

 The New Public Management style of existence/”living” have to be definitely terminated, because it is not a tool for The Survival of a society.
From an economical point of view it starts with the war in Vietnam, the American part of it that is. Everyone whom have seen the movie Fog of War knows that Robert McNamara, one of the responsible for this failure, in the end of the film says that that war was a mistake grounded on the idea that it was a part of the cold war, which he admits it was not. It was a war that the Vietnamese fought with the same intense and reasons as the Americans did. That is the freedom of the nation.
This politically and military failure did cost the American currency so much that the second Nixon administration had to loose the dollar exchange binding towards the gold, and move it into a so cold floating currency. That is a value with no real value, but the one it gets by other values. (Which practically means that when no one use gold as a backup for the coin value, then there is no real value in that value.) (In brackets it is worth saying that this change of the US dollar exchange rate was presented by a lie. Nixon himself said it was made to protect the dollar against speculators. But after the dollar had lost its actual value it was speculated against like a whore whom no one care for, and just want to get as much out of as possible. My German sense makes it necessary to make a bracket within the bracket, and say that there is no happy whore.)
In the 1980’s someone, or some (that one, or those are hereby wanted, dead or alive, to answer in front of the International Court of Justice in Haag, accused for war against humanity), gets a “tremendous” idea that a country, a land, a nation, shall be ruled as a company. It is unnecessary for a smart, or experienced person, to be told that this moves away a much too big part of the people in a society, forming this society, being the society, to really make the whole thing move on, if the financial system is built upon wishes or guesses. (This might work though in a society consisting of only ethical persons, because they do not wish and guess, they do know. And No! We are definitely not there. We’re now writing 2013. Things are a bit worse than they were in 1913.)
In a company the survival is about getting a win. Then we’re not talking about shareholder’s wishes or demands, because these persons are not a part of the real production line. They do give money into the production capacity of the company, but the main question in that case is if they are needed for the ongoing production, or only needed for the start up of the company. In the name of a new public management you are not to make money if you do not work for it. Practically meaning that shareholder’s of a company shall only get a percentage amount of win on invested money after the first balance Sheet of the company. After that they have taken out their investment, and that’s it. Practically this means that the idea of New Public Management do have a problem in its own definition and construction. That’s why it’s not working more than as a theory.
There is a marvelous example of bad manufacturing made by a company board, of the Finnish company Enso, where they held the shareholders as the main part of the company, creating bad problems for the economical department. The main part of any company will always be the capacity of production and the selling of what is produced. Everything else comes in as being second. The conclusion of all this is that you cannot rule a country, a land, a nation as if it was a company for the simple reason that it is not. A nation is a far more complex and structured setting of being than any company is. Which practically means it has to be governed by more practically principal rules. No society can live because of shareholders. Any shareholder is living only because of a working company, or the money that the shareholder takes out of the company (which the person do not actually work for), instead of putting it back into production. A society built on the idea that everything is going to be run like a company get into the problem about shareholders whom wants, but don’t want to practically participate in the work, and about the difference between money, value, and currency. A situation creating cartels, lack of competition, a form of pyramid gaming creating a big bunch of losers. It’s the very same form of ideological system as the old Soviet one – Those whom do not have “the right thought” are not allowed to participate, or shall be used for feeding Us.
The first world war came to be because of the unwillingness of the government of the United Kingdom to accept competition in the field of international trading. The German government had to build war vessels to literally protect their trade fleet, and that made it all. Then the extremely bad formulated peace “agreement” (which was forced upon the Germans) made it easy for any war maker to set up the conditions for the last world war. After that, in the 1950’s, we get into the position where the boards of chemical and war industrial companies (whom became the real winners of the war, and the ones to follow) takes over the real ruling of the world. But behind the backdrops of politicians. These boards are of the same nature as the government of the United Kingdom that did not accept competition. Those boards wants more money in, and the whole market – which they’ve actually created themselves - for themselves. This is also the main reason why there is anything such as extremism or terror taking form as a form of desperate protest. You only get the enemies you create for yourself. In a natural state there are no enemies.
It is not mainly the American politicians whom set up the rules for the American foreign affairs. Possibly not even for the internal ones. It is the bad resolves and following decisions of the boards of the war industrial (and probably also the chemical, basically petrol) companies that set up the bad influence structure for any American politician whom want to become president of that country and all of its problems. To create real possibilities for the US nation (which means also in the long run world wide) it is needed to set up the same sort of commission as the one in South Africa, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It is needed. A person whom is scared of being punished will surely deny anything, but with the window open for reconciliation it will be far more easy to sort things out, which actually was shown in South Africa. Many individuals in several organizations, connected to governmental mandates as well are to be heard.
These boards are the real extremists. The real threat against humanity. Because they create other extremists by the way they act. If they do so without being aware of it, they are highly non educated. They might make it just because they know it will mainly protect their own position, as an excuse for going on. A young girl in Afghanistan, whom spoke for education of girls, being attacked by extremists explained the thing by saying that those guys needed education. It is the very same situation regarding those company boards. The cold war has ended (mainly because of Mikhail Gorbachev). The energy feeding of vehicles and society is moving away from fuels bound to specific geographical areas. (There are actually inventions made by people, decades ago, that makes it possible to drive a car without gasoline, or to use the energy in high-voltage lines far more effective, but it was all stopped by the companies owning the market.) The cold war management in need of intelligence service and military defence is out of date since long ago, but those guys involved in these ideas needed a way of going on living as they’ve always done. The experiment in that field have been partly successful because of the New Public Management, and the social careless financing system which it practically is. Anyone purely educated and with practical life experience knows that no problem of the society will be solved on the level of the individual. It has to be the other way around. But that practically, in the long run, makes the war industrial complex unnecessary. It also means that the New Public Management experiment have to be ended. In other words, those whom really don’t want to work have to find a real job.
Take the Enron company as a very bad, but not too rare example. The full folder of the court act regarding this company, and anyone whom had had anything to do with its affairs, disappeared in the 7th building of the World Trade Center in September 11, 2001. Which is a date as bad as the one of 15th of August 1971 (see above; Nixon and the US dollar). That very building was the last one anyone (in public) had thought of would disappear. But no one have this far given a full trustworthy explanation to it. Why do things get bad with the country that had one of the best of dreams? Because of bad resolves and the following decisions. Not everyone is a true dreamer.
Money do not create life. Life create money as a tool for living more efficient and easy. In that way being the creator and ruler of money and its effects. Turn it all over, and you get the world of today. When you get ruled by, and your life is created via money, then you do not truly live. That is why New Public Management is a non-functional intellectual typography. People being floating leaves in the wind of “economy”, with no own life. The Men with the Wind Machine Rules you, buddy. Solve it, or become a dead soul. Floating exchangeable, with no real value.
Lennart Arivall